
There are many ways to volunteer your time at the Society

Aside from the challenge of working on the board, there is also working on the various committees. These are listed below with the Committee Chairs so that you will know who to get in contact with.

Public Relations/Marketing Committee

Chairperson: Open

This committee oversees all aspects of the Society’s Marketing. They ACTIVELY promote events on all Social Media platforms, the website, the Discord Group and other areas where allowed. They also create and publish the scoop at the beginning of each week. They look for opportunities to advertise The Society in event fliers, at all local cons and events that have a group flier. They help maintain the bulletin board in the hallway with fliers, ads, notices announcing upcoming events from the Society and the sister organizations and invasion groups that we have relationships with. They will have a budget in order to pay for the advertising and should submit receipts to the Treasurer.

Facilities Committee

Chairperson: On Hold

This is the committee that oversees the nuts and bolts of the Society. They maintain the Space, keeping the equipment fixed, the lights on, the area cool (or warm) and the toilets flushing. They have scheduled workdays as needed and will post them online as well as in our discord group. They will coordinate with the landlord on outstanding issues that need to be addressed and keep the board updated as to the progress of the repairs. The chair will supply the Hospitality chair with a checklist of items to be checked on a regular basis that needs to be reported back to the Facilities chair. The chair will be responsible for keeping all their equipment and supplies organized and out of the main dungeon space, lounges and meeting rooms. This committee has a budget for repairs and work done and should submit all receipts to the treasurer.

Education Committee

Chairperson: Open

This is the committee that can teach you a thing or two. They work hard at bringing in programs that can teach you a lesson or two in just about any subject in our lifestyle. Anyone who has something or knows someone that can teach can approach the chair with a proposal.  The committee chair will be responsible for coming up with One Major and One minor Presenter each month and work with the Events chair to coordinate the schedule so as not to double book.  The chair will work with the Femme Domme and WMPE organizers, as well as the 18+ night hosts to coordinate with their presenters as well.  The chair will work with the Marketing Chair to help promote events.  The Committee Chair will provide each presenter with a Bio form to fill out as well as presenter feedback forms for attendees of all presentations. This committee will have a budget for presenters and their expenses and should present all receipts to the treasurer.  Money for presenters should be available in the safe prior to the event. 

Events Committee

Chairperson: Open

Events – This is the committee that makes the place fun and exciting. Whether it be an auction or a themed event, this is a committee that you can have a lot of fun with. Anyone that has an idea for an event can submit a proposal to the Chair for consideration using a standard form that the Events chair creates and maintains. The committee chair will be responsible for coming up with One Major and One minor Event each month and work with the Events chair to coordinate the schedule so as not to double book. The events chair will also make sure that the calendar is kept up to date with regular events and open play nights. Each night should have an event place marker even if we do not have a specific event scheduled yet for that date. The chair will work with the Marketing Chair to help promote events. The chair should also regularly reorganize and refill event supplies as needed. The chair will be responsible for keeping all their equipment and supplies organized and out of the main dungeon space, lounges and meeting rooms. This committee will have a budget for supplies and all receipts should be presented to the treasurer.

Outreach Committee

Chairperson: Open

Want to help spread the good name of the Society? This is the committee that you can help with. The committee chair will go to the munches (at least 3 a month), and other outside events and talk about the Society.  The chair is also responsible for reaching out to other organizations and maintaining relations with them, including helping to promote other organizations events.  Assist with the Marketing Chair in looking for promotional possibilities, including tables at events like the Flea, Pride Events, Conferences, etc.  The chair will be responsible for looking for sponsorship opportunities at those events as well as others that they find and will also approach other organizations to share space with at tables and events.  Outreach and also look for opportunities to help sponsor presenters for smaller groups that do not have a budget to do so on their own.  This committee will have a budget and should present all receipts to the treasurer.

Operations Committee

Chairperson: – Open

 This committee is all about the day to day operations of the club, supplies and inventory.  Between minimization of clutter, ensuring a comfortable welcoming environment for our guests, as well as providing all that is needed for the day to day operations.  Operations will seek help from other volunteers to help maintain the cleanliness of the space, including scheduling regular cleaning days.  The operations Chair will make sure that they have increased supplies on hand prior to any and all big events and that those supplies are checked and restocked as needed after the event.  Operations will have an inventory list that they provide to the Hospitality committee to check so that they can report any needed supplies to the chair in a timely fashion.  Operations will be responsible for maintaining the organization of the space, excluding the Events, Kitchen and Facilities specific supplies. The chair will be responsible for keeping all their equipment and supplies organized and out of the main dungeon space, lounges and meeting rooms. Operations will assist Kitchen with setting up the tables and chairs for potlucks, member appreciation meals and other large meal events.  This committee has a budget and all receipts should be presented to the treasurer.


Chairperson: On Hold

Come and be one of the first people that greets people as they come into The Society. The ability to keep a neat and organized desk, with food/drink/media kept to a minimum and discreet, and a friendly, welcoming demeanor are the chief qualifications to the volunteer position. The Chief Gatekeeper is responsible for training new people to work the door.  Volunteers are encouraged to think outside the box when it comes to bringing in new volunteers, greeting new members and guests, and working with the Hospitality Committee to make everyone feel welcome and safe.  Openers and Closers will work with the hospitality committee to make sure the space is clean, and all supplies are restocked in the bathrooms. Closers will also ensure that the garbage gets taken out each night, to the dumpster. If it is someone’s first visit to The Society, the Gatekeeper will get someone from the hospitality team (or another member) to give them a tour: all new guests should be given a tour, and our rules should be explained in a welcoming and friendly manner; ensuring that the secretary is aware of any new and renewal applications at the end of each night is also the gatekeeper’s duties. Any cleaning that needs to be done, before opening and after closing, will be shared between the hospitality and door committees.

Kitchen Operations

Kitchen Bitch: On Hold

The kitchen Operations is under Lady Rissa and anyone interested in helping out in the kitchen should speak to her to be trained in how to do so.  The chair of the Kitchen is tasked with keeping kitchen supplies stocked and organized, regularly checking expiration dates of food supplies and throwing out any expired food items, training staff to assist in kitchen prep, cleaning dishes, cooking and sit down meal preparations.  Kitchen committee should work with Operations and Hospitality to set up for potlucks, member appreciation meals and other large meal events.  All members should bring a food item to share each night.  Any help from volunteers, even just doing dishes, would be greatly appreciated.  This committee has a budget and should present all receipts to the treasurer.

Discord Committee

Chairperson: Open

The Discord Committee is responsible for maintaining the administration of the Discord Server, troubleshoot any problems, and assist in helping them find who to contact to be verified or to have their questions answered. They will add channels, as requested by the board, and maintain whatever roles and bots that need to be added.

Hospitality Committee

Chairperson: On Hold

The Hospitality committee is a liason between the Operations, Facilities and Door and is tasked with helping all members feel safe and welcome at the Society.  The chair is tasked with putting together a team to Assist the door people with Opening/Closing.  This includes making sure that all stations and bathrooms are stocked and any low inventory is reported to the Operations Chair.  They are also responsible for making sure that all the equipment is in good shape and any repairs that are needed are reported to the Facilities Chair.  Any cleaning that needs to be done before and after closing will be shared between this committee and the door committee.  They can also assist the Kitchen in setting up tables for munches and large sit down events. This committee is also responsible for controlling the traffic in the dungeon, kitchen area and by the main desk and that everyone is safe and that rules are followed. This committee is one of the first points of contact for members and guests when they have concerns and then report any necessary items to the IRT or board.  They will be easily identified so that members and guests know whom they should go to.  This committee is also tasked with greeting new members, giving them a tour and introducing them to existing members.  Basically, anything that they can do to help all of our members feel safe and welcome is what this committee is all about.


Chairperson: Open

WebAdmin committee maintains the web presence of the Society and seeks to improve the digital platform on which it resides.