Town Meeting Minutes 01-10-21

 The Society

Town Meeting


January 10, 2021

Time:  7:00pm

Location: The Society – On Discord

Board in Attendance:  Facilitator, Co-facilitator, secretary, treasurer, archivist, member at large, ombudsman

Meeting Items:

  1. Call to Order – Facilitator  7:06 PM
  2. Quorum Check – yes
  3. Minutes
    1. Vote – Approve December Board Meeting Minutes
      1.   “To approve the December Board Meeting minutes except where noted by member concerns.”

Movant: Dasade

Second:  Ombudsman

16 Yays   0   Nays     1 Abstentions


  1. Vote – Accept December Town Meeting Minutes
    1. “To accept the December Town Meeting minutes except where noted by member concerns.”

Movant: Dasade

Second:  Ombudsman

15 Yays    0 Nays   1  Abstentions


  1. Treasurer Report
    1.  December 1 bank balance: $8,230.52
    2.  December income: $ $2,102.51
    3.  December Expenses  $ -2,901.69      (paying half the rent)
    4.  December Credit Card Balance: $7,821.64
    5.  December 31st bank amount: $7,431.34
    6.  Gofundme:  $ 24,005 in total, only $704 this month plus an additional $180 on website
    7.  Interest in December: $ 124.74
    8.  Detailed reports of expenditures are available upon request.
  2. Discussion ensued about the Financial state of the Society.  It was brought up that we might want to start talking soon about possible giving up our physical space and putting things in storage because our fundraising has slowed to almost non-existent and people are running out of steam.   We need to discuss moving things to all virtual until after the pandemic.
  1. Old Business 
    1.  None
  1. New Business
    1.  Ombudsman’s Concerns: 
      1. There was a lot of discussion and I now have a path that I know I need to follow.  There was discussion about a policy and notes were given to me and we are going to have more discussion on that and people who have been waiting to hear from me be patient
    2.  Discord Policy Update
      1. There was an off server meeting to discuss how we can improve in regards to how to address behavior on the server.  The notes were given to us and are going to act as a springboard.  The way it works now is the mods report issues and we discuss it amongst ourselves and then make a decision.  A policy will help us do that better.   We are going to have a meeting in discord, so please post in the channel what days/times are good for you if you want to take part.
      2. Thursday at 8pm
  2. Facilitator:  as some of you are aware, and i’m not going into specific details, there was an individual who was taken off the server, i had made a statement about what was done that was inaccurate and left people with the impression that the person was permanently left off the server which is not the case.  A lot of people have expressed concern about this person.  We have been discussing it and listening and trying to find solutions for people and find ways even going forward how we can do better which is why we are coming up with the policy.  For the issue at hand and the person at hand we have been discussing our options and will be moving forward on looking into some of the stuff.  The person who have already talked to the Ombudsman will be hearing back from her in the next day or two.  If you have issues bring them to the Ombudsman.  Once you do that we can deal with them in a different realm.  Just to make sure that we are able to address peoples concerns because we do understand you have concerns and fears.  We do want to make sure that we address them.  When it is something owned by one individual you can make an unilateral decision but when you are a board run facility we have to do things a certain way but we are listening and we are discussing and we are moving forward.
  3. Facilitator:  for the past couple of months we have had people on the board, and close to the board who have had people directly affected by the pandemic.    So when we are dealing with stuff on the Soceity we are also dealing with stuff on our personal lives.  Dont take your family for granted.  Even if you cant see them or be around them.  Mend fences that cant be mended if things go horribly wrong.  Give people in your bubble a hug because there may be a time when they wont be there. It hurts.  Take the time to be with the people you have when you have them. 
  1. Motion to Adjourn: 
    1. Movant: Facilitator
    2. Second: Co-facilitator
    3. all in favor: all 
    4. motion 
    5. Meeting ended at:   8:00 pm
  2. Next Meeting Date: February 14th

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