Town meeting July 2021

 The Society

Town Meeting


July 11, 2021

Time:   7:14    pm

Location: The Society – On Discord

Board in Attendance: 

Ombudsman: Bendy4u


Co-Facilitator: SirGuerrett




Member At Large:SdParent1

Meeting Items:

  1. Call to Order – Facilitator   7:14PM
  2. Quorum Check – yes
  3. Minutes
    1. Vote – Approve May Board Meeting Minutes
      1.   “To approve the May Board Meeting minutes except where noted by member concerns.”

Movant: SirGuerrett

Second:  SdParent1

Approved:  11 approved, 0  unapproved,    abstention

  1. Vote – Accept May Town Meeting Minutes
    1. “To accept the May Town Meeting minutes except where noted by member concerns.”

Movant: Sir Guerrett

Second: SdParent1

Approved:   11  approved,  0  unapproved,  abstention

  1. Treasurer Report
    1. June 1 bank balance: $ 30,621.20
    2. INCOME
    3. GoFundMe Donations               $  119.27
    4. Website Income:                  $  202.71
    5.  (events, Membership, Donations)
    6. Total Income:                     $      321.98
    7. EXPENSES:
    8.   Credit Card Details:
    9.  Pmts Made from Bank Account:    $  558.33
    10.  New Charges to credit card:     $  495.34
    11.   Interest Charged:              $ $0.00
    12. Total Expenses:                   $  495.34
    14. Credit Card Balance as of 7/11/21:             $ 0
    15. Total Outstanding Debt:          $ 0
    17.  Balance as of 6/30/21            $ 30,384.85
  2. QUestionsL
    1. Bartleby:  Did we retire the entire credit card debt.
    2. Garrett:  Yes.  The bills are being now paid at the end of each month so we are not carrying any credit card debt.
  1. Detailed reports of expenditures are available for review upon request.
  1. Ombudsman’s Concerns
    1. nothing pertinent
  1. Old Business 
    1. Direction of the Society and Election
      1. Got a lot of great feedback and the elections are over and we will be announcing the results during this meeting.
  2. New Business
    1. Board Nominations/Election
      1.  Ombudsman: Rus
      2. Board:  Giddion, Devilishsmurfet, Neorobus
    2. Next steps will be to have a position election meeting and transition meeting.  We will then appoint chairs.  We need volunteers to chair our committees.  If interested please message anyone that has a blue tag.
  3. Do we have a list of open chair positions:
    1. Education
    2. Events
    3. WebAdmin
    4. PR chair (?)
  4. You as the incoming board will need to determine the direction that you would like to head into and what positions to fill.  Best to fill all, but we definitely need at least 3-4 filled asap.
  5. Allowing new board members to speak:
    1. Gideon: Thank you for electing me. 
    2. Devilishsmurfet:  Thank you for putting your trust in me.
    3. Neorobus:  Thank you for voting for me.  Can’t wait to fulfill the needs of The Society.
  6. Garret:  I would like to thank everyone who did run.  Im very optimistic with the 3 new members .  I will be sad to be leaving but will be here to support you all with whatever you need.
  7. Questions:
    1. JB:  with the bylaws suspended do you still need to be a member in good standing to chair a committee
      1. That will be up to the new board.  I will leave the to them to work out
    2. HB:  Is there a list of duties for chairs:
      1. Yes…but will need to be revisited.  Already slightly modified to accommodate the virtual platform.  Link posted in chat. 
    3. Bartleby:  How many members voted
      1. SG:  23
    4. Jim-Bob says he would be interested in Events Chair if the new board waives the requirements for good standing
  1. Motion to Adjourn:  8:20 pm
    1. Movant: sdParent
    2. Second:  SirGuerrett
    3. all in favor: all in favor
    4. motion passes
    5. Meeting ended at: 8:20  pm
  2. Next Meeting Date: August 15th 

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