Town Hall Minutes August 2021

Location: The Society – On Discord

Board in Attendance: 

Ombudsman, Facilitator, Secretary, Treasurer, Archivist, Member At Large

Meeting Items:

  1. Call to Order – Facilitator   7:10PM
  2. Quorum Check – yes
  3. Minutes

Vote – Approve May Board Meeting Minutes

  1.   “To approve the May Board Meeting minutes except where noted by member concerns.”

Movant: Facilitator

Second:  Ombudsman

Approved:  11 approved, 0  unapproved,    2 abstention

Vote – Accept May Town Meeting Minutes

  1. “To accept the May Town Meeting minutes except where noted by member concerns.”

Movant: Facilitator

Second: Ombudsman

Approved:   11  approved,  0  unapproved,  2 abstention

  1. Treasurer Report

i. Questions 

    Dahila asked why we’re paying for amazon prime with no physical location. Discussion and decision to cancel Amazon prime until new physical location

ii. Detailed reports of expenditures are available for review upon request.

  1. Ombudsman’s Concerns

nothing pertinent

  1. Old Business 
    1. New Chairpersons

Secretary read off the list of new chairs

PR – Harlequinbliss 

Education – EmeraldAsh 

Events – Dasade 

Outreach – DoloresUmbridge 

Discord – Dahlia_Blooming 

Web Admin – Kammie 

Kitchen – LadyRissa 

Front Desk/Door – LordSlaveElijah 

Facilities – SirGuerrett 

Operations – Vivicalase 

  1. New Business
    1. Schedule for town hall meetings Discussed reasons for current schedule 

Vote  Change town meetings to second Sunday of the month

Motion Facilitator

Second Member At Large

Vote: 14 Yes 0 No 1 Abstain

Motion carried

b.      Current bookkeeper position: Requirements were listed for the position, no applicants stepped forward, current bookkeeper maintained no vote required

c.     Discussion that official Fet post from the board should be posted via Official Society accounts tied to email accounts rather than personal accounts. Issue with society secretary already existing and not tied to official email account. All other will be created in the near future.

d.    New Physical Location: Facilitator proposed waiting until Jan 2022 to find a new location. Members objected to waiting that long and requested formation of a committee to locate a space to open in January. Two members suggested they had contacts with realtors that could assist. Decision to form a committee with Ombudsman as chair.

e.     Discussion of fund raising for the new location, EmeraldAsh mentioned that there are more raffle items in storage . This prompted a discussion of who had the key to storage and/or the tools to cut the lock.

  1. Motion to Adjourn:  7:35 pm

Movant: sdParent

Second:  SirGuerrett

all in favor: all in favor

motion passes

Meeting ended at: 8:20  pm

  1. Next Meeting Date: September 12th

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