December 2021 Board Minutes

Location: The Society Discord Group

Attendance:  Board:  Facilitator, co-facilitator, Secretary, Ombudsman, Member at Large, Treasurer, Archivist

Meeting Items:

  1. Call to Order 4:09  pm
    1. Second:  Ombudsman
  2. Quorum Check – Yes
  3. Ombudsman’s Concerns – 
    1. Financial questions were reviewed by Ombudsman and passed onto members
      1. Detail of credit report shows expedenatures from previous month
      2. Is everything recorded into quickbooks? Steve will reach out to the bookkeeper to verify.
  4. Treasurer’s report
    1. Report read by Secretary
    2. Concerns expressed about how to stop losing money
      1. Secretary mentioned more classes
      2. Smurf agreed but questioned increasing membership for income
      3. Maybe munches
        1. Co-Facilitator spoke about munch plans
  1. Old Business 
    1. Still need tax info for building committee
      1. Need access to storage to get taxes – secretary has keys.
      2.  Garret is the only person with a key to access the storage?
        1. Facilitator States he does not have keys
        2. Maverick and Korhil may have keys
        3. Should be one on the society key chain
      3. Discussion of the who should have keys for storage and tracking them down
    2. Discussion of raffle items
    3. 501 c vote
      1. No minutes of old vote just a previous expectation that we qualified
  2. New Business 
    1. Website Licenses expired $400 to renew
      1. @Coupons function not needed
      2. Secretary to see about changing registration to Secretary email account
    2. How many current members
      1. 91 Current
      2. about 200 pre covid
    3. In-Person society events – should they occur.
      1. Ombudsman put forward to be a town hall agenda item
  1. Motion to Adjourn: Treasurer
    1. Second: Member at Large
    2. all in favor: 
    3. motion carries
    4. Meeting ended at 5:03pm 
  2. Next Meeting Date: January 9, 2022