Location: The Society Discord Group
Attendance: Board: Facilitator, co-facilitator, Secretary, Ombudsman, Member at Large, Treasurer
Guests: Dasade, EmeraldAsh
Meeting Items:
- Call to Order 4:10 pm
- Second: Ombudsman
- Quorum Check – Yes
- Ombudsman’s Concerns –
- emails to board members To be addressed in executive session
- Old Business
- Building committee has a discord channel to meet.
- member at large joining committee
- 501c status may need to be in scope of committee
- Building committee has a discord channel to meet.
- New Business
- Need to replace education and events chairs. As well hosting forms.
- Tasha applying for Education
- A non-member is renewing membership to host Dom forum
- Agenda item for town hall meeting: Society, retain name or rename
- May effect 501c process
- We may need to retain legal council
- Suggestion if we rebrand as community center we may be able to address legal issue
- Treasurer expressed concerns about expenses vs income
- Suggestion of a mixer with Feel Me Breathe
- May need to wait till we have an events chair
- May allow opportunities to expand membership
- Motion to Adjourn: Secretary
- Second:
- all in favor:
- motion carries
- Meeting ended at 5:13pm
- Next Meeting Date: September 12, 2021
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