Board Minutes November 15th, 2020

Time: 4:00 PM

Location: The Society Discord Group

Attendance:  Board:  Facilitator, Co-Facilitator, Ombudsman, , Archivist, treasurer

Guests:  D, DU, 

Meeting Items:

  1. Call to Order 4:08 pm
  2. Quorum Check – yes
  3. Ombudsman’s Concerns – 
    1. Did get a message regarding a latex allergy
      1. was contacted via gmail and had concerns about a serious latex allergy and wanted to know if we were doing anything in regards to latex allergies.  It is a life threatening allergy and says that even if she sits on a couch with latex it is an issue
      2. Facilitator:  its something i am not against making certain accommodations.  we have a good deal of members who wear latex and would make it an issue for us to go latex free
      3. Ombudsman, can we do a latex free night?
      4. Facilitator: We could have a few latex nights.
      5. Archivist:  Couldnt they bring a pad to put under them when they sit on our furniture
      6. Treasurer: and have latex free options available (Gloves, etc) 
      7. Ombudsman: I think that is a good alternative
      8. Facilitator:  once we have more in person events we might want to consider allergy free nights
      9. Send a message about us having a mix of people and have never had a rule in place before but would like to talk with them more to find what we can do to help them be safe here.
      10. Treasurer:  we want to do that to the best of our ability, within reason.
  4. Treasurer Report
    1.   October 1 bank balance: $ 8982.90
    2.  October income: $ 2952.18 
    3.  October Expenses  $   641.69  
    4. October Credit Card Balance: $7890.95
    5. October 31st/ November 1st bank amount:  11, 293. 39 (still needs to deposit door funds)
    6. November 15th balance:  $ about 6K once 3 months rent is paid
    7. Gofundme:  $ 21, 127   total raised (included in current bank balance)
    8. Interest in September: $ 122.06
    9. Interest Rate: usually 23.99% but Treasurer is going to look at improving that
    10. Taxes should be paid off.
    11. amount still owed for rent: $2,000 for April, $2000 for May, $2000 for June, $2000 for July, $2000 for August, September $2000, $2000 for October plus our payment for october and November
    12. Detailed reports of expenditures are available for review upon request.
    13. Facilitator: so we should probably talk about right now about freezing our spending?  Outside of rent and credit card debt.  
    14. Treasurer:  yes
    15. Facilitator:  I think we can allow for some maintenance costs. but we do need to freeze kitchen spending and keep everything down to just rent and bills.
    16. We will need everyone’s help because at the rate we are going we will be closed by the end of the year.  We just won’t have the money to stay open if we don’t get help.  Money is our current Achille’s heel.
    17. We’ve done okay with fundraising in the past.  The latest rounds of COVID restrictions have caused us to trickle down but so far we have raised over $21, 127 in our go fund me.  I want to thank those that have donated so far but encourage more to donate.
    18. Treasurer: what should we be paying right now on a credit card.  We can’t just keep paying minimum balance.  I won’t be part of an organization where we only pay minimum. 
    19. Facilitator: what is the lowest we can go.   
    20. Treasurer:  auto pay says $163.  Each month.  plus $100 a week.  SHould it be different?
    21. Facilitator can we reduce it to $50 a week?
    22. Facilitator:  leave the credit card where we are to see what we have at the end of the month and discuss then.  Between now and next month think about what we can reduce that extra amount to.
  1. Old Business 
    1.  none
  1. New Business
  1. Etiquette
    1. When we were taking bylaw proposals.  one of our members had talked about amending our bylaws due to an issue what we currently have in our bylaws that states “ Individual shall agree to be bound by and behave in accordance with the Rules, Policies and By-laws of The Society and Individual shall agree to be bound by and behave in accordance with the Code of Ethics of The Society”  and which is one of our precepts in our etiquette guidelines
      1. the section states in paragraph 3 The Society has as a sacred task, the increase of our community. Therefore, we will never attack or harm in any way, any other person or group within our community. we will never speak ill of what others may or may not be doing.
      2. our etiquette policy is antiquated because we can’t call anyone out right now because of that policy.  But we want them to be able to.
      3. Archivist: is what they are saying is that we want to make sure we don’t talk behind peoples backs
      4. Facilitator: the original premise was to avoid fights but in today’s world we need to be able to call people out for their behavior.
      5. Ombudsman:  we should discourage people from calling anyone to task unless they are harming someone.  The wording should probably be changed.
      6. Facilitator: that was my thinking too.  In our bylaws it states we agree to be bound by our policies, rules and etiquette guidelines and that is where they were concerned.  Because that would mean that with our current etiquette policy that no one could call anyone out, 
      7. Does it need more than just the board doing it (ombudsman)
      8. Facilitator:  no
      9. Treasurer:  we have the IRT for disagreements and i think that these are two separate things .  I think it is okay to say don’t be a dick and talk behind peoples backs.  it is also legitimate to say that we need to speak up if they are being harmful.  That bylaw should stay,
      10. Archivist:  We definitely need to address the wording
      11. Facilitator:  i propose we make this change “Therefore, we will never attack or harm in any way, any other person or group within our community. we will never speak ill of what others may or may not be doing where their activities do not create harm in others or the community.”
      12. Treasurer: I agree
      13. Ombudsman:  I think it is silly.  I think everyone of us has spoken ill of a member at one time.  But there is a big difference between saying i don’t like someone vs. going on a witch hunt and trying persecute someone.
      14. Fac: yeah, 30 years ago it was don’t speak ill of anyone and this age and time there are times when it is needed.
      15. A: and no kink shaming
      16. Facilitator:  yes
      17. Ombudsman: that might be a good phrase to add.  No kink shaming
      18. Therefore, we will never attack or harm in any way, any other person or group within our community. we will never speak ill of what others may or may not be doing where their activities do not create harm in others or the community. Do not shame others for their kinks.
      19. Facilitator:  I Motion that we update our etiquette guidelines as stated in the board meeting text (see above).
      20. Movant: Dasade
      21. Second:  Aislin
      22. Motions carries with 4 unanimously
  2. Elections
    1. Discuss day and time of meeting for new and current board members next week – Tuesday 8pm
      1. just to give a heads up.  we are going to probably be moving fairly quickly to do a lot of meetings before 12/1 which is when our new board members goes into effect.  So there are a couple of things i would like us to do
        1. when you first get on the board it is a bit of a shock, so let’s have a quick meeting shortly after the election (closes out tonight at 8:30).  On Monday at 8pm – have a meeting with new and current members 
          1. to discuss new positions
          2. to talk about turn overs if need be.  
          3. there is no set positions for the board.  anyone can run for any position.  
          4. The only two people who are not up for re-election this time is Aislin and myself.
          5. and in a year it will be aislin and myself and one other person coming in
        2. We will have a board orientation meeting later on, where the entire board gets together online and basically goes over policies and bylaws and questions that people have so that there isn’t quite the same shock involved.  it will help acclimate people a little better.
        3. We will discuss when that will be at the tuesday meeting.
        4. Monday at 8pm. for meetings.
  1. French Maid Photo Day
    1. How it went – went very well
      1. We want to thank Regal Imaging , who was our photographer, who made it so much fun for us.  This was originally SirGuerret’s idea who said if we could make $12K he would do this and the Facilitator said if we could make $15K he would do it do and then our facilities chair, sdparent1 said he would too and then the co-fac joined in as well.   There will be pictures.
  1. Fundraiser and Raffle Update
    1. amount raised so far $ 21, 127
  1. Motion to Adjourn: Dasade
    1. Second: Treasurer
    2. all in favor: all in favor
    3. motion carries
    4. Meeting ended at: 5:10 pm
  2. Next Meeting Date:  December 13th