Board Minutes May 2023

In Attendance

Board: Facilitator, Co-Faciliatator, Member at Large,  Ombudsperson


Call to order:   Facilitator 4:-03pm 

Quorum Check:   Pass

Ombudsperson Concerns

No concerns reported

Treasurer’s report

Period Start Bank Account Balance4/1/23$18,668.03
Period End Bank Account Balance4/30/23$18,137.31
Deposits/Credits$ 99.12
Withdrawals/Debits-$ 629.84
Total Cash Donations in April 2023:$ 80.00
Total GoFundMe Donations in April 2023:$ 0.00
Total Square Income in March 2023:$ 19.12
Credit card payments4/15$ 629.84

Old Business

  1. Open Chair Positions: still no movement on finding anyone. The  Member at Large mentioned that we need to stop waiting for people to step up and instead reach out to members. 
  2. Membership Pathway/Membership Cards:  We have copies of cards. The Co-Facilitator will make sure that we have Pathway Cards available at all Society Sponsored Events. 
  3. Membership Interviews:  Facilitator will be following up with other Board Members on adding questions to the list for Membership Interviews. There is at least one person who is waiting on the interview being available so that they can become a Member. 

New Business

  1. Munch/Event:  There is an event in the works for June and more information will come out closer to the event
  2. Educational Class Locations: The Ombudsperson has been looking at 2 locations to hold educational events.  One of those locations does not appear to work out due to the size of the space.  The other location would require a split of the event fees. The Ombudsperson is going to finish working on this and update us as things move forward. 
  3. Upcoming Meeting Dates (June/July/August): June 11th,  July 9th, and  August 13th.
  4. Annual Governance Panel  Nominations (3 Board Positions, Ombudsperson): There were 2 nominations for open Board Positions. Hoosbond & Giddion are both eligible and accepted the nomination. There was one nomination for Ombudsperson.  Bartleby is eligible and accepted the nomination.   The Member at Large mentioned that since we have had an open position on the Board for over 10 months that we might want to consider holding a discussion about By-Law Changes regarding the number of Board Members on the Board.

    Motion to Adjourn 

Motion: Co-Facilitator    Second: Facilitator Time: 5:00 pm