Board minutes Jan 9th 2022

Meeting Items:

Board in Attendance:  Board:  Facilitator, co-facilitator, Secretary, Ombudsman, Member at Large

Call to Order 4:010  pm
    Second: co-facilitator
Quorum Check – Yes
Ombudsman’s Concerns – 
Concern about minutes: Inaccuracies and missing information, member wasn't willing to share
    Secretary, lost recording for minutes. By laws allow minutes
        Recordings are not in bi-laws but are a board policy    
    Please note to members at start of meeting
Treasurer’s report
    Report read by Secretary
        No questions

Old Business 
Secretary working on billing changes
Bookkeeper hasn't responded on quickbooks
Secretary will be retrieving tax documents
    Keys discussion, who should have 
    Facilities should have keys, co-facilitator or facilitator, and secretary.
    Key holders should do regular inspections of the storage.
        Storage should be check monthly
Bi-laws, senior board still needs to get together to review.
    Concerns as to how long it's been under review

New Business 
Provisional memberships
    Path to membership until space is reopened.
    Concern why executive session
    Vetting through munches was proposed.
    Facilitator will review Roberts Rules
    Concerns over sponsorship
    Open Board meeting 19 @ 8:30
Rescheduling of February Meetings
    Reschedule to Feb 20th Motion CoF Second: M@L passed 4 votes
Rescheduling of May Meetings 
    Rescheduled to May 15th Motion CoF Second: M@L passed 4 votes
Access to meeting minutes now and historically should be reviewed
Should there be an official response to the troll's accusations 
    ombudsman will draft a response to be reviewed by past and present board before posting and sticky-ing
                Will also review previous posts by past board
        No mention of previous or current board by name real or fet
Upline has a new space and has some interest to share some space with Society
Motion to Adjourn: Secretary
    Second: Co-Facilitator
    all in favor: 4
    motion carries
    Meeting ended at 5:05pm 
Next Meeting Date: January 9, 2022

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