Board Minutes August 2021

Location: The Society Discord Group

Attendance:  Board:  Facilitator, Secretary, Ombudsman, Member at Large, Treasurer

Guests:  Dasade, EmeraldAsh

Meeting Items:

  1. Call to Order 4:05  pm
    1. Second:  Member at Large
  2. Quorum Check – Yes
  3. Ombudsman’s Concerns – 
    1. Financial needs to be up 3-7 days before meeting
    2. Agenda needs to be up as well
    3. Clarification on meeting schedule
    4. Bookkeeper position and if it is a voted position
  1. Old Business 
    1. Elections completed 
  2. New Business
  3. Board and town meeting schedule: As explained by previous board meeting were the Sunday after the second Saturday of the month in order to allow for proper notification when the physical space was open.

Discussion of the reasoning and how it pertains to a virtual society

Request that the Society secretary create calendar invites and reminders. Secretary agreed to provide these in the near future.

Treasurer motioned to move board and town meetings to second Sunday of the month. Second Member at Large Vote: In Favor Secretary, Treasurer, Facilitator, Member at Large Opposed None. motion Carried

  1. Facilitator added Bookkeeper vote to Town Hall agenda
  2. Discussion of board members still having issues accessing board emails. Facilitator requests setting a future time with the Secretary to review the problems and get everyone into their accounts.
  3. EmeraldAsh spoke of more issues with the known troll (SatireVeritas), EmeraldAsh has now been banned as a presenter by another organization. Alerting the board as to potential issues with her position as education chair. Facilitator Spoke to complete confidence in EmeraldAsh. Dahlia Mentioned that this troll has also harassed an outside presenter for the society, specifically Lee Harrington. DaSade shared a letter he drafted to KOS Staff
  4. EmeraldAsh Brought up a concern that the ombudsman channel was a members only channel. Felt that it should be open to all. Dahlia spoke to the fact the channel was members only since inception. 
  5. Facilitator requested any good news
    1. Member at large announced she was getting collared.
  1. Motion to Adjourn: Blue
    1. Second: Member at large
    2. all in favor: aye
    3. motion carries
    4. Meeting ended at    4:52pm 
  2. Next Meeting Date: September 12, 2021

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