Board Minute Feb 2023

In Attendance

Board: Facilitator, Co-Faciliatator, Member at Large, Ombudsman
Members: JB

Guests: AF

Call to order:  Facilitator  4:05pm

Quorum Check: Pass

Ombudsperson Concerns

No concerns 

Treasurer’s report

Period Start Bank Account Balance1/1/23$20,479.80
Period End Bank Account Balance1/31/23$$19,547.64
Deposits/Credits$ 38.24
Withdrawals/Debits-$ 970.40
Total GoFundMe Donations in January 2023:$ 0.00
Total Square Income in January 2023:$ 38.24
Credit card payments1/15$ 970.40

Old Business

  1. Open Chair Positions: No one has expressed any interest in. We will be going through the member list and seeing where members have mentioned being interested in helping out.
  2. Open Board Position: DoloresUmbridge has been nominated for a Board position.  Voting will take place after tonight’s Meeting and run for 2 weeks. 
  3. Storage Unit: a small amount of movement but personal lives have prevented more significant movement on organizing, cleaning out, and creating an inventory. 

New Business

  1. By-law Vote:  The By-laws vote passed and went into effect on February 1, 2023.
  2. Upcoming Meeting Dates (March/April/May):  March 12th, April 16th (tentative)  May 21st moved due to mother’s day. 
  3. ADT:  Has been canceled 
  4. Memberships: Lifetime Members: 18 Members: 35.  Memberships set to expire by February 28, 2023:  15.  Memberships renewed in 2023: 7  Memberships renewed in February: 5 (3 were for 2 years).  Emails about expiring or expired memberships, special member pricing for February as well as the regular membership price, and Open Board and Committee Positions (as appropriate) went out via email or FetMessage (as indicated on membership renewal applications). 
  5. Munch/Event: The Facilitator and a member are working together to plan an event in March.  We are still looking for members to take on the Events and Education Committee Chair Positions. 

Motion to Adjourn 

Motion: Co-Facilitator    Second: Member at Large   Time: 5:02pm