Board Meeting Minutes Oct 2021

Location: The Society Discord Group

Attendance:  Board:  Facilitator, co-facilitator, Secretary, Ombudsman, Member at Large, Treasurer, Archivist

Guests:  EmeraldAsh, Dahlia, Bendy

Emeraldash taking minutes

Meeting Items:

  1. Call to Order 4:28  pm
    1. Second:  Ombudsman
  2. Quorum Check – Yes
  3. Ombudsman’s Concerns – 
    1. Complaint about the agenda, financials and meeting minutes not getting posted three days in advance per bylaws.
  1. Old Business 
    1. Voting in new Chair positions: Co-fac:  there are three open positions.   I have had them working on stuff.  
      1. Motion:  to make Tasha is education Chair. 
        1. All in favor:   all in favor (5 ayes)
      2. Motion:  to make Brightnbitter as outreach chair
        1. All in favor:  all in favor (5 ayes)
      3. Motion: to make pleasantly unpleasant as Events chair
        1. All in Favor:  all in favor (5 ayes)
  2. New Business
  1. Building Committee:
    • Co-fac:  I’ve been in contact with the real estate agent and provided her with blues financial information.  Keep in Hartford area, as central as possible.  Knows what we are looking for and is very pro buying a space vs. renting a space.  Says she can help with fundraising ideas if we want to buy a space
    • The committee discussed whether or not to vote to have the membership vote to give the board the power to make the decision to buy vs. rent.   
    • The ombudsman feels that it should be put before the members to give the board the ability  to make a decision on buying vs. renting.
    • Dasade recommended wording: “I motion to empower the Board to move on recommendations from the building search committee”
    • Facilitator:  we are going to bring this to the Town meeting and vote on whether or not to move forward.
    • Two votes:  The first vote is:  Can the board act on recommendations from the committee to make decisions.  The second vote:  Should the society consider buying vs. renting?”
    • Treasurer:  if we come across a really good deal that involves buying does the membership give the right to take on that opportunity.
    • Secretary:  we don’t want to limit it to buying because even rentals can go quickly
    • Co-fac:  can’t we just use Dasade’s wording?
    • Treasurer:  I think we need to be more specific
    • Ombudsman:  it should consider specific language about buying
    • Facilitator:  Dasade, how would we properly put this to vote and would it wait the 30 days like I was suggesting and we give them week the before the next town meeting
    • Dasade:  depends on what you want them to do.  If you want them to make a final decision, empower the board to take the recommendations and run with it would be sufficient.  You can change the verbiage to say “ to act on the committees recommendations be it to rent or purchase.” Would allow you to act on it and sign contracts.  I would recommend, if you are going to sign contracts, it would be a 1 to 2 week turn around that would require a special town meeting to get approval to sign.  Have a broadly worded vote to let people know it can go either way and if it does empower you to move on it, at a special meeting you can say we found a place, can we have a vote on it.
    • Secretary:  Should be one vote that says Should the building committee be empowered to look at buying vs. renting options.
    • Second vote should be:  Should the board and building committee be empowered to move on a decision to purchase or rent a space should it become available without going to a full member vote
    • Ombudsman:  does the membership give the committee consent to investigate the option of buying a space vs. renting.
    • The wording change of consent from empowerment seemed most appropriate.
    • Facilitator:  I still say all the members need a chance to put their two cents in.  
    • Bendy:  I am not sure we would be approved for a mortgage having no income and being a bdsm club
    • Dahlia:  I agree.  We have no steady income
    • Facilitator: We need to make sure that the membership knows we are not going to look next week at a place, we are investigating the possibilities of rent vs. buy vs. rent to buy
  2. If you are a chair, keep directing your concerns towards the co-facilitator.
  3. Another point of concern:  given our reputation in some circles, but do we want to change our name _- facilitator
    • Treasurer:  yes, I agree.  It should change to reflect the safety and inclusiveness of our space (the LGBTQ crowd). 
    • Member at large:  we should ask the membership for suggestions if they agree to change our name
    • Ombudsman:  I think it is too early to do that
    • Facilitator:  I think it should be now, before we put our name on anything we buy or rent.  We should already have that in place first
    • Ombudsman;  I think that is something that should be on the same ballot as getting consent for purchase.
    • Multiple votes on name, narrowing it down.
  4. Member appreciation month:  facilitator thought it was November.  EmeraldAsh corrected him and told him April.  Should we have a vote to have member appreciation month next month at a reduced rate.
  1. Motion to Adjourn: Secretary
    1. Second: Member at Large
    2. all in favor: 
    3. motion carries
    4. Meeting ended at    5:38pm 
  2. Next Meeting Date: November 14, 2021

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