Board Meeting Minutes Nov 2021

Location: The Society Discord Group

Attendance:  Board:  Facilitator, Co-Facilitator, Member at large, ombudsman, treasurer, 

Recording Secretary: Emeraldash

Guests:  Dahlia, Harlequin, DoloresUmbridge

Meeting Items:

  1. Call to Order      4:10 pm
  2. Quorum Check – Yes
  3. Ombudsman’s Concerns – 
    1. None
  4. Treasurer Report
    •  October 1 bank balance: $ 29, 054.89
    • INCOME
    • GoFundMe Donations               $  
    • Website Income:                  $  168.12
    •  (events, Membership, Donations)
    • Total Income:                     $      29,223.01
    •   Credit Card Details:
    •  Pmts Made from Bank Account:    $  587.86
    •  New Charges to credit card:     $  
    •   Interest Charged:              $ 
    • Total Expenses:                   $  587.86
    • Credit Card Balance as of 11/14/21:             $
    • Total Outstanding Debt:          $  
    • CURRENTLY IN BANK:  $28,635.15
    •  Balance as of 11/14/21            $ 28, 635.15
  1. Detailed reports of expenditures are available for review upon request.
  1. Old Business 
    1. Building Committee Report
      1. at this point we were waiting on the vote to go through before we did anything else.
    2.  Name change and voting discussion
      1. Secretary did not have access to his pc so they did not have access to the website for voting results.
      1. start:  4:25
      2. end: 4:28
    4. Member appreciation Month
      1. Brought it back to November
    5. 21st is memorial munch for all members lost.
  2. New Business
    1. Lifetime Members
      1. Both Dasade and Emeraldash have been made lifetime members
    2. Check of old minutes for 501c3 vote
      1. Co-fac has a few questions out to a CPA for clarification and waiting for responses.  one is requesting all members name.
  3. Motion to Adjourn: MemberatLarge
    1. Second: Treasurer
    2. all in favor: all
    3. motion carries
    4. Meeting ended at  4:42  pm 
  4. Next Meeting Date: December 12th