Town Hall Minutes Nov 2021

Location: The Society Discord Group

Attendance:  Board:  Co-Facilitator, Ombudsman, Member at Large,  Facilitator, archivist

Recording Secretary: Emeraldash

Meeting Items:

  1. Call to Order   7:10   pm
  2. Quorum Check – no quorum
  3. Ombudsman’s Concerns – No member concerns
  4. Minutes
    1. Vote – Approve October Board Meeting Minutes
      1.   “To approve the October Board Meeting minutes except where noted by member concerns.”
      2. Movant: Facilitator
      3. Second:  Ombudsman
      4. Approved:  7  approved, 0  unapproved,   1  abstention
    2. Vote – Accept October Town Meeting Minutes
      1. “To approve the October Town  Meeting minutes except where noted by member concerns.”
      2. Movant: Facilitator
      3. Second: Ombudsman
      4. Approved:  7   approved, 0   unapproved, 1  abstention
  5. Treasurer Report
    •  October 1 bank balance: $ 29, 054.89
    • INCOME
    • GoFundMe Donations               $  
    • Website Income:                  $  168.12
    •  (events, Membership, Donations)
    • Total Income:                     $      29,223.01
    •   Credit Card Details:
    •  Pmts Made from Bank Account:    $  587.86
    •  New Charges to credit card:     $  681
    •   Interest Charged:              $ 0
    • Total Expenses:                   $  587.86
    • Credit Card Balance as of 11/14/21:             $ 757.51 (need to pull final one)
    • Total Outstanding Debt:          $ 757.51
    •  Balance as of 11/14/21            $  28,635.15
  6. Detailed reports of expenditures are available for review upon request.
  7. Members want clarification on the financials and want someone looking at them.
  1. Old Business 
    1. Buy Vote Results
      1. 19 voted, 18 For and 1 against – Motion passes
    2.  501c3 Discussion and results of old minutes check
      1. waiting on some information from a CPA to see if it is worth it
    3. Member appreciation Month
    4. Co-Facilitator:
      1. Building committee – waiting on vote to finish  to figure out where to go next.  Vote passed, now will get in touch with the realtor to start looking
      2. need to schedule a new meeting to discuss what we want the new space to have
      3. PR created Fetlife profile pictures for the board and chairs for those that want to use them
      4. Memorial munch – please rsvp to get the word out.
  2. New Business
    1. Lifetime Members
      1. Dasade and Emeraldash have been voted to be lifetime members by the board
    2. Bartleby:
      1. was told our old maniac friend is scaring other people away from doing things publicly.  I have heard that he has a restraining order on him.  Is that true
        1. Emeraldash:  that is for me and is a fetlife restraining order  only
        2. Ombudsman says that he is tired of hearing about him.
  3. Motion to Adjourn: sdparent1
    1. Second: hoosbond
    2. all in favor: yay
    3. motion carries
    4. Meeting ended at  7:53  pm 
  4. Next Meeting Date: December 12th