Location: The Society Discord Group
Attendance: Board: Co-Facilitator, Ombudsman, Member at Large, Facilitator, archivist
Recording Secretary: Emeraldash
Meeting Items:
- Call to Order 7:10 pm
- Quorum Check – no quorum
- Ombudsman’s Concerns – No member concerns
- Minutes
- Vote – Approve October Board Meeting Minutes
- “To approve the October Board Meeting minutes except where noted by member concerns.”
- Movant: Facilitator
- Second: Ombudsman
- Approved: 7 approved, 0 unapproved, 1 abstention
- Vote – Accept October Town Meeting Minutes
- “To approve the October Town Meeting minutes except where noted by member concerns.”
- Movant: Facilitator
- Second: Ombudsman
- Approved: 7 approved, 0 unapproved, 1 abstention
- Vote – Approve October Board Meeting Minutes
- Treasurer Report
- October 1 bank balance: $ 29, 054.89
- GoFundMe Donations $
- Website Income: $ 168.12
- (events, Membership, Donations)
- Total Income: $ 29,223.01
- Credit Card Details:
- Pmts Made from Bank Account: $ 587.86
- New Charges to credit card: $ 681
- Interest Charged: $ 0
- Total Expenses: $ 587.86
- Credit Card Balance as of 11/14/21: $ 757.51 (need to pull final one)
- Total Outstanding Debt: $ 757.51
- Balance as of 11/14/21 $ 28,635.15
- Detailed reports of expenditures are available for review upon request.
- Members want clarification on the financials and want someone looking at them.
- Old Business
- Buy Vote Results
- 19 voted, 18 For and 1 against – Motion passes
- 501c3 Discussion and results of old minutes check
- waiting on some information from a CPA to see if it is worth it
- Member appreciation Month
- Co-Facilitator:
- Building committee – waiting on vote to finish to figure out where to go next. Vote passed, now will get in touch with the realtor to start looking
- need to schedule a new meeting to discuss what we want the new space to have
- PR created Fetlife profile pictures for the board and chairs for those that want to use them
- Memorial munch – please rsvp to get the word out.
- Buy Vote Results
- New Business
- Lifetime Members
- Dasade and Emeraldash have been voted to be lifetime members by the board
- Bartleby:
- was told our old maniac friend is scaring other people away from doing things publicly. I have heard that he has a restraining order on him. Is that true
- Emeraldash: that is for me and is a fetlife restraining order only
- Ombudsman says that he is tired of hearing about him.
- was told our old maniac friend is scaring other people away from doing things publicly. I have heard that he has a restraining order on him. Is that true
- Lifetime Members
- Motion to Adjourn: sdparent1
- Second: hoosbond
- all in favor: yay
- motion carries
- Meeting ended at 7:53 pm
- Next Meeting Date: December 12th